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Allerton Park & Retreat Center

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Allerton Adventurers 8-12yrs

in Allerton Summer Day Camp

7/29-8/2, Adventurers: Summer Olympics


with Adventurers Instructor Team

Calendar Jul 29, 2024 at 8 am, runs for 1 week

Week 8: July 29-Aug 2

Ages: 8-12

Campers, ready your flag! This week will be filled with exciting games and activities. Whether your camper is a natural competitor or a natural spectator, all will have fun at this active week of camp that includes silly copies of some favorite Olympic events!

Lunch, two snacks, a T-shirt and all necessary materials are included.  Campers will need to bring their own water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, and a change of clothes/shoes.

Adventurers also have the opportunity to go to the Monticello Family Aquatic Center twice a week.  Rider intake forms and payment directly to Piattran are required for pool transportation.  Pool entrance is included in camp registration fees.

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